What Are the Signs of Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a medical condition in which the spine curves abnormally to the side, rather than running straight up the middle of the back. This curvature can occur in different parts of the spine, and can vary in severity. In some cases, scoliosis is mild and requires no treatment, while in other cases it can be severe and require medical intervention.

Scoliosis can occur at any age, but it most commonly develops during childhood and adolescence. In some cases, the cause of scoliosis is unknown (idiopathic scoliosis), while in others it can be caused by factors such as birth defects, neuromuscular conditions, or injuries. The signs and symptoms of scoliosis can vary depending on the severity and cause of the condition. Here are some common signs of scoliosis:

  1. Uneven shoulders: One shoulder may be higher than the other.

  2. Uneven waist: One hip may be more prominent than the other.

  3. A prominent shoulder blade: The shoulder blade on one side may stick out more than the other.

  4. Leaning to one side: The body may tilt to one side when standing upright.

  5. Uneven leg lengths: One leg may appear longer than the other.

  6. Back pain: Some people with scoliosis may experience mild to severe back pain.

  7. Breathing problems: In severe cases, scoliosis can affect the lungs and cause difficulty breathing.

It's important to note that scoliosis can sometimes be present without any noticeable signs or symptoms. That's why it's important to have regular check-ups with a healthcare provider, especially during adolescence when scoliosis is most likely to develop.


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